Resurrecting a MediaWiki instance

Posted by The bugalore on Saturday, March 24, 2018


This was my first time backing up and setting up a new MediaWiki (-vagrant) instance from scratch so I decided to document it in the hope that future me might find it useful.

We (teams at Wikimedia) often use MediaWiki-Vagrant instances on Labs, err, Cloud VPS to test and demonstrate our projects. It’s also pretty handy to be able to use it when one’s local dev environment is out of order (way more common than you’d think).

However, one day I woke up to… Broken stage …on our team instance (commtech-1.commtech.eqiad.wmflabs).

Okay, so I went in and tried to upgrade the HHVM package on the instance.

$ sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade hhvm
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree
  Reading state information... Done
  hhvm is already the newest version.
  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
$ hhvm --version
  HipHop VM 3.12.7 (rel)
  Compiler: 3.12.7+dfsg-1+wmf1~trusty1
  Repo schema: a28132f015144d07eea2af17c422c8d422b7111e

No luck.

bd808 recommended I look into spawning a new instance now that HHVM is dropping support for Trusty anyway.

Well then. Let’s get rolling in the mud.

Backing up MediaWiki

I’d never done this before and was a bit afraid of messing up things badly. But we got nothing to lose here. Lucky for me there is some good documentation for doing this.

1. Backing up the database

This was straightforward enough:

$ ssh commtech-1.commtech.eqiad.wmflabs
$ cd /srv/medawiki-vagrant
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ mysqldump -h hostname -u userid -p dbname > backup.sql

The values for hostname, userid, dbname and dbpassword can be found in your LocalSettings.php. Note that since this was a vagrant instance, the values were spread over both /mediawiki-vagrant/LocalSettings.php and /mediawiki-vagrant/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php. Also note that this command works from inside vagrant so don’t forget to ssh in, noob.

2. Backing up the file system

This backs up the file system, including images and config files. It took a while. The tar was ~1.5GB.

$ tar zcvhf fsbackup.tgz /srv/mediawiki-vagrant/mediawiki

If, like me, you have no idea what zcvhf does - read this.

3. Backing up the wiki content

This was easy to do with the dumpBackup.php script in MediaWiki.

$ php maintenance/dumpBackup.php -- full > dump.xml

Exporting files to local system

If you were paying attention, you would have deduced by now that the instance I was backing up lived on a remote server. I used sftp to move the files from the remote server to my local system. I was shocked to see how easy this was! I’d tried messing with ftp a long time back and I couldn’t get it to work then. Since then I had a notion of how complex it is but I was so wrong!

This was all it took -

$ sftp commtech-1.commtech.eqiad.wmflabs
Connected to commtech-1.commtech.eqiad.wmflabs.
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /home/niharika29
sftp> get backup.sql
Fetching /srv/mediawiki-vagrant/backup.sql to backup.sql
/srv/mediawiki-vagrant/backup.sql		100%   12MB   1.6MB/s   00:07
sftp> get fsbackupmw.tgz
Fetching /srv/mediawiki-vagrant/fsbackupmw.tgz to fsbackupmw.tgz
/srv/mediawiki-vagrant/fsbackupmw.tgz		100% 1454MB   1.5MB/s   16:45
sftp> get dump.xml
Fetching /srv/mediawiki-vagrant/mediawiki/dump.xml to dump.xml
/srv/mediawiki-vagrant/mediawiki/dump.xml	100%  196     0.8KB/s   00:00
stp> bye

Settings up a fresh instance

This is something I have done a handful of times now and it’s gotten easier though it seems like a complex thing on the surface. There’s ample good documentation.

TL;DR steps:

  1. Setup a new instance on Horizon in the project you want it to be a part of.
  2. Add role::labs::mediawiki_vagrant to the instance from the Puppet tab.
  3. SSH in to the instance ssh
  4. and run puppet: sudo puppet agent --test --verbose
  5. Log out and in
  6. cd /srv/mediawiki-vagrant; vagrant up; vagrant provision
  7. Verify it works: curl http://localhost:8080/wiki/Main_Page
  8. Set up a proxy for your instance on Horizon (DNS menu). Pick port 8080.
  9. - Tada!

Importing backup files to new instance

Reverse sftp steps:

$ sftp commtech-2.commtech.eqiad.wmflabs
Connected to commtech-2.commtech.eqiad.wmflabs.
sftp> put fsbackupmw.tgz
Uploading fsbackupmw.tgz to /home/niharika29/fsbackupmw.tgz
fsbackupmw.tgz						100% 1454MB 633.9KB/s   39:09
sftp> put backup.sql
Uploading backup.sql to /home/niharika29/backup.sql
backup.sql						100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00
sftp> put dump.xml
Uploading dump.xml to /home/niharika29/dump.xml
dump.xml						100%  196     1.4KB/s   00:00
sftp> bye

Restoring MediaWiki

Again, this sounds pretty tricky. But where there’s documentation, there’s a way.

1. Restoring the database

My new mw-vagrant instance came with the wiki database so I had to drop that first, but for good measure I backed it up just in case things go awry:

$ ssh commtech-2.commtech.eqiad.wmflabs
$ cd /srv/mediawiki-vagrant/
$ vagrant ssh

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 # ###########     | .  . |  ___   __| | _   __ _ | |  | | _ | | __ _
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$ mysqldump -h '127.0.01' -u 'wikiadmin' -p --default-character-set=binary wiki > backupnew.sql
  Enter password:
$ cd /vagrant/
$ mysqladmin -u wikiadmin -p drop wiki
  Enter password:
  Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.
  Any data stored in the database will be destroyed.
  Do you really want to drop the 'wiki' database [y/N] y
  Database "wiki" dropped
$ mysqladmin -u wikiadmin -p create wiki
  Enter password:
$ mysql -u wikiadmin -p wiki < backupold.sql
  Enter password:

Okay, that seems to have worked: Backup stage

Let’s move on to step 2.

2. Restoring content from dump

This seemed easy. Docs: Link.


$ php mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php < dump.xml
PHP Warning:  XMLReader::read(): uploadsource://49d8375e96a198ed0d05abb86da047d2:1: parser error : Document is empty in /vagrant/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php on line 572
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:0
PHP   2. require_once() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:350
PHP   3. BackupReader->execute() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php:94
PHP   4. BackupReader->importFromStdin() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:116
PHP   5. BackupReader->importFromHandle() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:287
PHP   6. WikiImporter->doImport() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:345
PHP   7. XMLReader->read() /vagrant/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php:572

Warning: XMLReader::read(): uploadsource://49d8375e96a198ed0d05abb86da047d2:1: parser error : Document is empty in /vagrant/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php on line 572

Call Stack:
    0.0011     409040   1. {main}() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:0
    0.0053     685024   2. require_once('/vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php') /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:350
    0.1899    9788992   3. BackupReader->execute() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php:94
    0.2157   11012768   4. BackupReader->importFromStdin() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:116
    0.2157   11013256   5. BackupReader->importFromHandle() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:287
    0.2249   11315864   6. WikiImporter->doImport() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:345
    0.2249   11315864   7. XMLReader->read() /vagrant/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php:572

PHP Warning:  XMLReader::read(): Error: You might be using an older HHVM version.  in /vagrant/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php on line 572
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:0
PHP   2. require_once() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:350
PHP   3. BackupReader->execute() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php:94
PHP   4. BackupReader->importFromStdin() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:116
PHP   5. BackupReader->importFromHandle() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:287
PHP   6. WikiImporter->doImport() /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php:345
PHP   7. XMLReader->read() /vagrant/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php:572

[dfed825ae694612f3d132ec8] [no req]   MWException from line 576 of /vagrant/mediawiki/includes/import/WikiImporter.php: Expected <mediawiki> tag, got
#0 /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(345): WikiImporter->doImport()
#1 /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(287): BackupReader->importFromHandle(resource)
#2 /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(116): BackupReader->importFromStdin()
#3 /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/doMaintenance.php(94): BackupReader->execute()
#4 /vagrant/mediawiki/maintenance/importDump.php(350): require_once(string)
#5 {main}

Hmm, my guess is that some content wasn’t imported because it depended on the HHVM version. I did see some pages so it hasn’t entirely failed.


Let’s move on.

3. Restoring the file system

This is probably the biggest hurdle.

$ tar -xvzf fsbackupmw.tgz

That spit out the list of files it unpacked. I had to do some mv to get it in the right spot. Okay.

There were some dependency errors.

$ composer install; composer update

That fixed those.

I can login with my credentials. It all works, yay!

But I still see…. Almost done stage

Uh oh. Bizarrely, I couldn’t find that file on neither the old instance, nor the new one. After spending a bit of time on this, I decided to just upload another version and that worked!

Done stage

I leave you with a philosophical conundrum. The instance has the same content and data and web-proxy as before but a new underlying infrastructure. Can we say that it’s the same instance?